When Life sends you something other than an RX… :/

Meditate, meditate, meditate…really, and it worked, it works…it should work. It is definitely worth a try :p I just saw an email and I find myself at the intersection of frustrating and …really? At the end of the day, figuratively and literally in this case. We all find ourselves facing challenges from time to time. Sometimes, the time is end of day, which has the potential to linger.

If you are a meditator, meditate, right? Uh, I forget sometimes or I get too frustrated to think about it. I am a pretty simple creature, I know that when I write stuff down and think about it, it happens more, so …

Get, meditation during challenges or mindful breathing if full mediation isn’t feasible into your mental tool shed.

I am inspired, I am going to do an *end of day when the day had challenges*, meditation … one day.

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